Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dolly is rescued.

For the past few weeks I have been spending a little time here and there restoring a quilt rescued from a church sale by a co worker. I have jokingly named her Dolly. This is because she reminds me of the kind of quilt that Dolly Parton would have had as a child in her cabin. Dolly tells of how her siblings slept together in one bed and under home made quilts made of scraps and this quilt fits that description perfectly.

I am not the first person to try and restore this quilt. My co worker was giving it a great effort and as I was working I saw evidence of someone else trying to repair it. The fabrics in this quilt are very delicate at this point, almost to the point of being shop worn. Some are of such a lose weave that they unravel with the slightest touch. If you look the only way I could mark seams that needed repair was with painters tape, but as I worked more and more seams needed securing. I have worked hard not to make this my Pandora's box and I believe I have been quite successful. I have begun to tie it and make it a quilt with that rural country scrap look. I know it will be loved. This is going to be a Christmas gift and I am going to feel good about someone loving it.

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