Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rescued Love

In my adventures to local thrift stores I have been blessed to find many items that I can up cycle into something new, but on a couple of my last outings I found items that I felt needed to be rescued. I guess it's mostly because I know the work that went into these items and some how can't fathom why they ended up in a thrift store, but some where out there they were loved once and are now loved again.

The valentine themed afghan is done in a crochet stitch (I know how to do this with a long hooked needle, but I don't know the exact name of the stitch) and made of the softest yarns. I just wanted to hug it because I know it was meant to send love. It is four foot square and just enough to cover on a cold February evening. I rescued this for the small price of $4.99. It will make a great addition to my holiday decorations.

The quilt of red white and blue is a bit faded, but is about twin size. It is a log cabin quilt pattern and I know the time that was spent making this quilt. It is tied and this method gives it that primitive look. I also rescued this for the small price of $4.99 and it will also make a great addition to my holiday decorating.

For those of you who know me well know that I decorate every month with a different theme if the time is there to do it. I enjoy life to the fullest and up cycled and rescued items make the love all the better.

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