Monday, June 17, 2013

My Daughters have given me a new start.

36 Square Feet to CREATE
My official address has changed and my eldest daughter is taking good care of me. This past weekend my younger daughter gave me the stacking shelf where my fabric is stored. My eldest daughter put together this 36 square foot  sewing center for me after convincing the landlord to take out a closet door. We found a corner desk for $10 at a flea market and I was in business.
We have utilized as much space as possible. The corner desk had shelves on either side and she hung a thread rack for me so that everything I need to start over is within reach. I have hung some art work from my best gal in CA and some other funky stuff to make it mine.
The corner desk worked out perfect for my serger and serger thread. I have a few more things to hang on the wall, but I am the most blessed woman in the world to have such wonderful children. It amazes me that I could have such a wonderful work space in just 36 square feet. I even have room for shelves on the wall if I need them. So as far as I'm concerned waking up this morning, June 17, 2013 is the start of a whole new life. I hope everyone has a great week.