Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What's new at The Craft Zone.

A few thrift finds.

Jars, jars, and more jars

I try not to spend a lot of money on used canning and food storage jars unless I need to get new ones. Lately it seems as though the thrift stores are charging way too much for used jars. Sometimes $2 plus tax. I leave most of them for some one who doesn't know that a new one with the lid and rim retail for $1.02 plus tax. I managed however to find several for $.75 and made sure the came home with me as long as there were no cracks or chips. This is not the total lot because I filled some already with my potato soup and granola. I found a 1/2 gallon jar, several pints and a couple of different size jars for my special sugars. Yes the bottle of Vodka is on the counter and the vanilla beans are on their way. These jars will hold my vanilla extract, vanilla sugar and vanilla powder. By the holiday season I will have home made gifts to give using my creations.

I found new packages of rick rack and bias tape for $.25 each and my best find was the nutmeg grater for $.50. I can't wait to sew and cook using these items. Confession: Yes I am domestic at heart.

For linens this week I found two double flat sheets with two matching pillow cases and two similar pillow cases. I've slowed down buying new linens until I get caught up (lol) with the projects and inventory I already have, but the price was just too amazing to pass up. I'd tell you but I almost feel guilty getting them for what I did. 

And finally what about all those lovely 12 inch pillow covers made by that creative lady at poetcharms.etsy.com. She continues to amaze me with her use of all those vintage pieces of fabric for up cycled projects. Well, that's what's new here at The Craft Zone. I have some up cycled sewing projects underway, but they are still works in progress and subject to the time I have to do them, but I promise I will be posting them soon. Until then I hope everyone has a great week and please take the time to visit the stores to see what's new.