Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Townhouse Homestead Tuesday

Finishing up the holiday baking and canning and have never been done this far ahead of the holiday. I've had so much fun trying new things and at my vintage age am learning so much. In the past I would stress the time to get things done, but this year I just let it go and it got done. Of course I worked all summer on my jams and jellies for gift giving. It feels good to know that I am NOT going to be up late nights finishing.

These are new to me this year. A young friend and I got together and made six batches of these no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies. They are so good and the recipe stretches to make plenty. After this day of cooking I discovered that the official name of these cookies is "Gorilla Poop Cookies". Of course we had the time of our lives laughing about it. I'm not only teaching but learning. Young people keep you alive.

Also new this year, yep never made candy before, are the crock pot peanut clusters, peanut butter fudge and peppermint bark. Now let me explain that we started shopping for some of the ingredients last spring. I was able to vacuum seal them so they'd be fresh when I wanted to use them. Our holiday budget was spread out over months instead of one big bill at holiday time.

I made one last batch of holiday canning (can't tell you what it is) and what we are doing for decorating is done. I will be getting to some sewing to make myself a few new things for this new chapter in my life and relax while doing it because I've planned well and can enjoy the holidays.

For freebies and almost freebies this week I have a sample of hair elastics with a coupon toward a purchase, more salt to bake with, two boxes of Jell-o pudding (one was given to me), and Eucerine hand treatment. I received a coupon for a free tube and when I got to the store it was buy one get one half price, so I got two for $3. At a regular price of $12 for both I think I did okay. It all adds up and I am grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post, thank you so much for sharing. Happy 2015. :)
