Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Town House Homestead Tuesday

Closing did not go without tiny incidents, but she got there finally. For the last eleven days we have slowly been moving into the house with the help of many friends and members of the family. We couldn't have done it without them. Although we are not completely moved my daughter will be paying on the lease to the townhouse for four more months and we have all that time to finish and clean it properly before a final walk through and returning the keys. Once getting into the house it was quickly discovered that she had four minor gas leaks that have been repaired and now we're moving forward. 

This is a closer look at the overgrown garden and shed. Upon entrance to the shed we discovered some garden tools, cut up and stacked fire wood, five gallon buckets, and flower pots. Along the side is a stash of new landscape timbers and on the side you can't see is a stack of flagstone and bricks. In the garden itself which is actually fenced in there were tomato cages and a sprinkler system. I am lining up some help to get it as ready as I can for memorial day weekend planting. My tomato and pepper seedlings haven't moved yet, but just may tonight or at least this week. I am so ready to be out there working, but it's raining today. One step at a time. 

One car load at a time the canning jars have been brought to the house and landed in the breezeway. My daughter bought some heavy duty shelves for them to be store on in the basement, and this past Sunday we had some welcomed help at building the shelves and getting them into the basement. We have more to go, but for now it's progress and I can at least find the ingredients I need to prepare meals. That in itself is a blessing. 

Here is how it looks so far. Once we get the washer and dryer up and running I can make my trips down to the basement work and start organizing and updating my inventory. My actual canning equipment and empty jars will be store in the garage which will only require three stairs for my bad knees and hip to climb. Going to get busy now unpacking more boxes.Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week. 

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