Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Town House Homestead Tuesday

Well, I am excited to say that this past weekend we got most of what needed to be taken to the basement from the garage moved. Thank you Emily for all of your help. I now know where a lot of things are that we haven't been able to find and have spent some time organizing so I can figure what I need to buy for shelves and keep going. 

This pile still needs sorting, but it's not as bad as it looks. We have done well to make it as easy as we can to get this final load unpacked.

This stack is mostly holiday decorations and purchased supplies to be put on shelves. By the end of the year it will not be this overwhelming.

With all the guys in our lives that have late November and December birthdays we made beef jerky. All has been packaged and shipped and we have confirmed deliveries. I hope they enjoy it. Now we will make some for ourselves because it was so good. We've been making home made gifts too, but can't post pictures or say anything for now, but we've been on the move there and having some fun.

A large heavy box was delivered today. I know the contents, but I'll keep it a secret until next week. Some very wonderful things happening here on our little piece of the earth. Can't wait to share and show everyone the progress we are making and what's new for the next year. That's what's been happening at the new Town House Homestead. Thank you for stopping by and have a great week. 

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