Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Town House Homestead Tuesday

Like most weeks I never know how much I get done until I upload my pictures and actually see it. We all have our ordinary household chores to do, but for some of us who enjoy gardening, farming, and all that, "being a little more self sufficient includes", may do a few extraordinary things. This week the new cooking "thing" was sweet potatoes. I always have frozen sweet potatoes on hand, but we are trying to eat better and are including them more in our snacks and cooking. I've made chips before, but always in the oven and I was never satisfied. I received a mandolin to slice vegetables and went to work slicing them up and put them in the dehydrator this time. I liked them better and might add cinnamon to the next round. I also played with a quiche crust made from sliced sweet potatoes. This was incredibly awesome. Easier than pie crust and much more delicious. Winner, winner! 

I did a bit of sewing this week. My younger daughter asked if I could turn this vintage Snoopy curtain into a lap quilt and this is the result. Simple, warm, and cozy. She took it home yesterday. 

My eldest daughter received a vintage canister that quickly became the newest addition to her microwave cart for her studio. It just fit on the bottom shelf. It's for decoration only. I hope she feels better soon and can get back to her creations.

My seedlings are doing great. If all of them come up however, I may be in trouble. I will have to find places to put them outside where the deer can't get them and they aren't close to the bees. So many critters to deal with, but challenges are what life's all about. These are marigolds, onions, and one lonely sunflower.

This past week we had a horrible wind storm. Winds were recorded up to 83 mph and many people lost power. Most is back today thank goodness. With this heavy snow storm today, being without power would have added more stress to people's lives they weren't prepared for. Heard of a few nasty tempers flying about and was so glad we have plenty on hand. We were lucky and didn't lose power, but are ready to at least survive for a while. This was a very large piece of blowing metal coming down the road towards the house. Fortunately it blew in another direction and got caught up in the fence.

I received birthday presents yesterday. It's not until this weekend, but my daughter's both surprised me. I received a Costco cart and now I have one of my own. I will be able to use it to move things around the house easier. My knees and hip are not the best any more, so this will allow me to move things without making several trips. I wonder if the creator of these carts ever thought they'd be used to transport groceries from the garage to the kitchen via a breezeway, and would make life easier for us. This one will be inside and I want to paint it bright yellow. It was originally black and has been spray painted a couple of times, so there's plenty of work to do before I can re paint it. I also received a yellow ware bowl, a collectible Waeschersbach shamrock mug, a little man to brew my tea, two butterfly coloring books, and colored pencils. Both of my girls know me well. 

That's what's been happening around here this past week. I have lots more going on and can't wait to tell you about it. The next six weeks are going to busy getting ready for the bees, so many new pictures and tales will be coming. Thank you for stopping by and stay safe if you're experiencing bad weather. Stay warm too and I'll see you again soon. 

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