Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Town House Homestead Tuesday

Well let me update you about this little guy. Hunter is now three months old and quite a handful. It looks like he's imprisoned here, but he actually is quite comfortable with the crate and pen. Hunter has tripled in size and we'll have a weigh in at the vets on Friday. The bet is he's gained at least three pounds, but I think more. He has a wonderful appetite. Hunter is learning and trying and boy does he love to be outside. He will just sit in the pouring rain and watch what appears to us to be nothing, but I'm sure there's something. I am changing and growing with him and for the first month we had him, every day I wanted to find him a new home. Don't tell my daughter, but I think Hunter is staying.

I broke down this month and bought new tools. I drive, but I don't own a vehicle to get to garage sales and estate sales to find things used, so one trip to the home store and it was done and we have the additional things we needed. I looked at my purchases and wondered how we made it through the first year without them.

I got started on some planting in the pollination garden. The bees will be ready tomorrow evening and there's so much more to do. Yesterday, in the pouring rain, Emily and I were out digging in the mud trying to get things planted. This is because we don't want to disturb the bees while they are getting themselves oriented to the new surroundings. We can work to the sides and back  more easily than in the front of the hive. I can't wait for it to grow in so it doesn't look so shaggy. 

This is last night just after the torrential downpours. At least you can see the plants. Behind the bench is a row of St. Johns Wart and under the bench are variegated Hostas and Lilly of the valley. Also planted is lavender, bee balm, butterfly milkweed, and Calendula. 

This morning before the rain and while Hunter was in the crate, I went around the yard and thinned some Shasta daisies, black eyed Susan's, echinacia, and found a full pot of hyacinth bulbs that were just in odds and ends spots from last years tilling. A few new things appeared this year and we are just waiting to see what they are. I still have to move some iris, daffodil, and tulip bulbs. We are shopping our property first to save money. We can always change things as we grow.

This was the sunset after one of the wettest days we've had this spring. We were exhausted, but took a few minutes to enjoy it and the work we've been getting done. So, for this week that's what's been happening at the new Town House Homestead. Thank you for stopping by for a visit and have a wonderful week. 

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