Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Town House Homestead Tuesday

It was another weekend that the hive needed to be inspected. This venture has been a serious roller coaster ride. The colony at this point is not prepared enough for the up coming winter and will need to be fed. They are working hard, but they need all the help they can get at this point.

These are some awesome pictures she took so I could see what was going on inside the hive. You can see the new bees eating their way out, some capped honey, and the comings and goings after the mouse guard was put in place.

This lady followed her back into the house and became disoriented and tired. She gently picked her up and got her back where she belonged. 

I harvested a few more items from my garden. I have quite a few beans coming, but only a handful were ready. I cut back the chives to make my zucchini quiche, potato salad, and to have on baked potatoes with sour cream. 

I was given some very old, but heavy duty garden tools this past weekend. I will wire brush them clean and treat them so they will last even longer. I will be sharing some too.

My sunflowers are doing so well. One is opened and growing and two more will be coming soon. This happy Bumble bee is certainly enjoying them. Next year I hope to have a larger area filled with them. They are so photogenic.

They are so mystical and mysterious at the same time. My daughter never liked them, but for some reason this year she has changed her mind. This is the first time I have ever grown sunflowers.

I've been getting almost too much help from Hunter these days. I was cleaning sod and putting it in buckets for next years container garden and he wanted to dig too. My daughter calls this engaging the dog. I'll decide some day what it actually means. Maybe just a puppy who needs to dig in the dirt. I'm saying this because of all the holes he's dug in the lawn that I need to fill. That's what's been keeping me busy here at the Town House Homestead. We just keep growing and I want to thank you for stopping by for a visit. Take care everyone and be safe. If Irma is coming your way please start preparing. She seems to be very dangerous.

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