Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Town House Homestead Tuesday

We have been busy, busy, busy. Lots of work getting done. First thing has been upgrading the house. We have been getting new windows installed. 

We didn't realize the major job this was and how a small army of men could disrupt your home. This job was quoted for two days, but we are now trying to schedule the fourth. 

They are beautiful windows and we now have painting to add to our work load. Not that this is a major issue, but we can't get it done for a bit.

This is how the old bathroom window opened. I guess sixty years and no maintenance will do that. 

This is the new crank out window and we couldn't be happier. This is just as it was set in. Now we can continue the painting and updating in the bathroom.

This is how the sink area turned out. It's going to be so nice to have a bright bathroom.

She has made it around the bathroom door and part of the next wall, but not without a lot of patching. It could have been worse.

We have no idea why there were so many small spots that needed filling, but they all were done and sanded.The next upgrade was insulation. Blown in to the attic and foam in the basement. All at the same time the windows were being installed. What a mess the house was. It was hard on us because we were just beginning to feel a bit settled, but now we are still a bit disrupted and waiting for the end to come.

Trucks full of materials and equipment were all over the front yard.

Hoses to pump the insulation in ran through the house.

Ladders, hoses, and workmen busier than ever. They built a new hatch to the attic because the original was only 1/4 inch thick. Wasn't doing much for keeping the heat in. At the same time this was happening they were spray foaming the basement foundation tops and overhang. We felt a bit overwhelmed by all the activity.
Hunter was sent to doggy day camp for three days and came home exhausted, but he would never have survived this experience. It was good for him to play with other dogs.

He has tried to be helpful, but stealing the paint brush was not. He can run faster than we can, but we finally cornered him on the bed.

He had a death grip on this brush, but he finally gave in.

We've had heavy deep snow this past weekend. Our plow guy ran himself into the ditch. It took an hour and a half to get him out. We know his intentions were good, but he knew the ditch was there and went for it any way. Lots of damage to our neighbors lawn that we will have to repair come Spring.

They pulled him out sideways because he was going to tear out the mail boxes and that would have been his expense. We were waiting at this time for the contractors to come, but it was cancelled because taking windows out in this weather would have meant blizzard indoors. 

Hunter had company before the storm. This is Truman and he is four years old. They got along fine and all the mud in the yard didn't stop them. Ninety minutes of joy for them both. At the end of play they both were bathed and within a short period of time both zonked out. We can't wait until Truman can come and play again. He lost his yard. Hunter had all he could do to keep up with him and we thought Hunter was fast. 

So with all the winter still around, and all the busy, my house plants have been blooming at a steady pace and it brightens any dreary day. Who could not be happy with this many blooms in February.

That's what's been happening at the Town House Homestead. Growing and moving forward. Soon I will be starting seeds for flowers and veggies and the outdoor plans will begin. Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful week. Be grateful for all your blessings. Share your love and bounty.

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