Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Townhouse Homestead Tuesday

We are enjoying the sunshine and the rain here. I would love to put my herbs out but it's going to get colder again later this week and they have to wait. I think it will happen over the holiday weekend. In the mean time we're doing the things we can and not pushing outdoors yet.

I put some of that chicken we found on sale up as a soup base along with some of the vegetables I got at the farmer's market. I thought it would make four quarts, but I ended up with five and a quart of chicken broth. I like bonuses in the canning department. It also made using the caner in hot weather worth the effort.

I made up a large bowl of barbecue pulled chicken. Then I tried my skills at making a Stromboli. Most of this week has been trying new recipes out on my daughter. Some came out okay others didn't, but it's all an attempt to build a meal plan with a good rotation so that we are not eating the same thing all the time. I've sent her meatless recipes to read that I've found on Pinterest and she sends back recipes that include meat. We had a great chuckle about it and as yet we have not settled on any. That's what happened in the townhouse kitchen this week. There's been so many other things to do and the kitchen has not been top priority with this heat. 

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